Sunday 29 May 2011

MA Photography.

I have an interest in walking the land. Seeing how time, human interaction, nature and seasonal changes, enhances or destroys the space I inhabit. In effect, giving me a greater awareness, in the process of living.

This programme will enable me to gain a greater understanding of how artistic communities relate, and interact with professional media organisations and art exhibition centres. Learning from theoretical debate, interdisciplinary projects, technical workshops and professional link placements and projects, will take me to the next level of professionalism. Working in a safe, supportive and collaborative environment will give me a deeper understanding, of my profession and strengthen my communication abilities as an artist.

Developed from mono-printing into photograms, recording a, 'single moment’ small objects collected during several walking trips.

Scribing with water, light and photographic chemicals. Hand movements considered on a single breath, to infuse how my thoughts effect my movement and breathing, to impart my ‘state of being’ in the moment of creation.

During a period of illness, I daily recorded shadows, of things important to me, within and around my home. Looking for the narrative within these, ‘brief moments’ captured only when light uncovered their presence.

I continued my daily walking trips to nearby woodlands, looking for shadow and form, created by water, light, seasonal changes and human intervention upon the landscape.

 For over 2 years, I documented the deterioration of a hidden farmhouse. My weekly photographic trips became symbolic and instrumental in my recovery to good health. Since the departure of family living, the farm house had come to the end of its life, slowly becoming changed by environment, season and the passing of time. Becoming weak and unstable, evident in its collapse. I being a witness to these months of change. I in turn, became stronger, almost supported by it passing that, gave me back passion for my artistic practice, and the process of living in the moment. Each return and discovery changed my thinking.

I’m interesting in developing my skills in traditional film processes, within the darkroom and on location. Considerations in book making and the importance of text. Video making and its relationship with narrative and importance of sound.
An understanding of curating an exhibition and presentation of images.
I currently make small video and sound clips of the areas I visit, at each point of taking a photograph. My research is expanding to regard the relationship between ‘man and land’.  E.g.  Journeys to revisit a place, that deals with recall of memory or recovery of memory, maybe through illness or traumatic events, and the process linked to understanding ones identity and healing.

Development of technical skills through workshops and a deeper understanding of critical analysis and artistic context, through group interaction and debate, providing tools needed for professionalism in this field of work. Communication of ideas and awareness and development of skills needed to work successfully, in collaboration with my peers, other artists and organisation. Ability to take criticism as a positive to finding solutions. Greater confidence in my own abilities, discipline to adhere to project/client briefs and the courage to move forward as a freelance photographer/artist

Experimenting with traditional film methods, final cut pro, juxtaposed with technology of video is something I have been working on since my degree. The use of mobile phones to record and manipulate sound and voice recordings. Creating an image rather than photographing the image, without intervention, is new to me. I am currently using set up spaces in different locations and working along side theatre/tv set designers to create my ‘moments’.
I regularly attend artist workshops and talks, and I am involved with a photography group at Whitworth Art Gallery, The Alternative Camera Club and MMU’s Arts For Health, networking ideas for future collaborative shows. I am a student of The Writers Bureau to further develop my writing skills.

I will need the use of; the film processing darkroom, lighting equipment and set up space. Equipment e.g large format cameras, video camera and printing facilities. I have an iMac and Final cut pro software at home, and in the process of having a small studio built in my garden this summer!
Availability to software, bookbinding, photo frame making workshop and archives facilities.

In 5 years I hope to be working as a freelance photographer/artist, producing top quality work, that is seen through international exhibitions. Produce my own books and document my walks/trips also through video documentary, and create work that responds to social, political, environmental change from a humanistic and holistic point of view.
My MA studies will give me the skills, ability, knowledge and confidance to realize my ambitions and put them into motion, by the experiance of working along side a team of professionals within the University, other artist and media professionals.